Adolescent (12yrs -19yrs) Bariatric surgery in Dubai
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Adolescent Bariatric Surgery in Dubai
Obesity in children is on the rise, and it is most prevalent in the upper and middle classes. Growing children between the ages of 10 and 13 tend to gain weight more quickly as they enter puberty.
Unfortunately, this leads to eating disorders and the child becoming obese at a young age. Obesity in this age group is termed as adolescent obesity and poses a big risk for growing child as a cause of premature death and the developing all complications related to obesity in the future.
As a result, childhood obesity surgery ( adolescent bariatric surgery) is increasingly on the rise and appropriately needed to help this vulnerable population at an earlier stage in their life to prevent complications developing and causing trouble at a future date including premature death.
When is a child considered obese?
Obesity is not the same as being overweight. Some children may have a larger body frame than others, but this does not imply that s/he are obese. Children’s body types may differ as they grow because fat is stored in different places. If you are concerned about your child’s obesity, you should calculate their BMI (Body Mass Index) first.
What is BMI?
BMI is a system that allows you to calculate a person’s weight based on their height. It is a simple equation that anyone can solve. BMI indicates the stages of height-related weight. It can simply indicate whether someone is overweight, obese, or normal.
As a doctor’s opinion on a child’s growth is extremely important, you should allow the doctor to use your BMI data.
BMI Calculation BMI = weight (in kg)/ Length*Length (in m) BMI between 85th – 94th is overweight. BMI 95th percentile and above is considered obesity. |

What is Adolescent Bariatric Surgery In Dubai?
Adolescent Bariatric Surgery In Dubai, also known as pediatric, is a specialized medical intervention aimed at addressing severe obesity in teenagers. Tailored for individuals who have not achieved successful weight management through traditional methods, such as diet and exercise, this surgical approach includes procedures like gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and adjustable gastric banding.
Types of Surgical Procedures
Our doctor currently performs two adolescent bariatric surgery in Dubai. The best option for a candidate will be determined by a variety of factors, including their goals, comorbidities, and personal health history.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
This procedure, also known as gastric sleeve surgery, removes up to 80% of the stomach.. Because it does not involve bypassing the small intestine and has a reduced rate of long-term complications, the gastric sleeve has become a popular option. It is also still fairly effective for many patients in improving or potentially resolving Type 2 diabetes.
Gastric Bypass Surgery
When it comes to Adolescent Bariatric Surgery In Dubai, Gastric Bypass Surgery is an excellent option to go for.
This surgery is intended to reduce the size of the stomach significantly. A smaller stomach pouch is formed and connected to the small intestine directly. By allowing food to bypass much of the stomach and a portion of the small intestine, your child will feel fuller faster and have less desire to eat, assisting them in maintaining their weight loss for years to come.
Want to know more about childhood obesity surgery? Consult our weight-loss surgeon and expert - Dr. Balaji
Childhood obesity is a serious health concern that requires proper treatment and management. With the help of our experienced weight-loss surgeon, Dr. Balaji, children struggling with obesity can find a safe and effective solution through surgery. We are committed to providing personalized care and support to each child’s journey towards a healthier future.
Get in touch with us and take the first step towards a happier, healthier life for your child.
FAQs for your quick reference
In general, a child under the age of 12 is unlikely to be considered a candidate for Bariatric Surgery for childhood obesity in Dubai. Even then, other options for how the child can potentially overcome obesity without invasive methods will be explored; surgery is considered a last resort.
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH, is a liver condition caused by fat buildup that is frequently associated with obesity. Weight-loss surgery can be used as part of a well-rounded NASH treatment plan because it can result in a lower BMI and improved health outcomes. Our teams are trained to treat NASH in teenagers. We’ll work with you to determine whether a conservative approach or surgery is the best option for your child.
Weight-loss surgery in adolescents has been shown in studies to aid in partial resolution of Type 2 diabetes, but this is still being researched. We’ll assess your child’s Type 2 diabetes to determine the best course of treatment.
While weight loss is the primary benefit of adolescent Bariatric Surgery in Dubai, additional long-term advantages exist. We see a significant improvement in comorbidities, or health issues associated with obesity, with bariatric surgery.
The outcomes may vary as per patient, but research indicates that there is evidence for:
- Better lifestyle options
- 74% blood pressure remission
- more physical activity
- increased self-assurance
- 86% remission of abnormal kidney function
- Reduced dyslipidemia (lipid imbalance) by up to 66%
- Type 2 diabetes can be cured in up to 95% of cases.